Learn English with TV drama series

A trusted solution for English language education with original TV drama series and interactive resources for online and classroom delivery.


Learning English with a purpose

English language education should be rewarding and exciting. Content should grip the imagination and inspire learners to speak and to write in real-life contexts.


The Chasing Time English Academy offers exciting, self-paced learning. Interact with users from around the world and receive feedback from our experienced team of educators.

Engaging content for improving English language skills. Find out more about our trusted partners and how you can become part of the Chasing Time English learning community.

Set your students on a path to success with targeted and individual study support plans. Or use our custom drama series to deliver enjoyable learning opportunities in the classroom.

The Chasing Time English team continues to show that engaging drama series can have a strong pedagogical impact on English language education.
— Paul Raine: Founder of Eigo.AI and ZenGengo

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