Teacher Diaries, Entry 3: Ten Hours of My Birthday Spent at Work

Teacher Diaries, Entry 3: Ten Hours of My Birthday Spent at Work

Mia Tarau

From standard ESL blog posts to real-life post-PhD tertiary experiences: welcome to a new series, from the mind of a young teacher with a true passion for what she does


3 November 2022 – My birthday

Dear Diary,

Today is my birthday.

I will arrive on campus at 8am; I will start teaching at 9am, and finish at 6pm, with only one small break. Let’s see how it goes.


4 November 2022 – The day after my birthday

What an absolute killer of a day yesterday was!

The day began with mock exams for my Academic English class and continued with consultations with my Humanities class. I then taught two different courses back-to-back, same student cohort – the second 2-hour teaching block was a cover for the Research teacher.

In all that madness, I had told no one about my birthday – however, some of the teachers knew and spread the news around the office; one of them came into my classroom during the break to give me a hug. So sweet! Some of my students also remembered and wished me ‘Happy Birthday’ before the mock exam. How lovely!

There was no other celebration on the day, however – too much to do, no time to stop!


When I arrived at work today, though, everything was different! I found birthday presents on my desk; my students gifted me a birthday card with drawings of me as a princess, which they had filled with lovely messages; both my Friday classes sang ‘Happy Birthday’ to me; and everyone around the office made my day an absolute delight!


 Things I am grateful for over this past year – Career-related edition:

·    The return to campus after Covid

·    Teaching in two departments at my university

·    Teaching on so many different courses – from MA-level linguistics to Intercultural communication (undergrad), and Academic English and Humanities Foundation courses

·    Working on curriculum development for both the Academic English and Humanities courses at my college

·    Serving on the Teaching and Learning Committee in my faculty

·    Serving on two other committees at my college


·    Continuing my collaboration with Chasing Time English, with two exciting new series to write materials for, with funding from Education New Zealand





Dear Diary,

I am grateful for the help I have had along the way this past year, and for what that help has allowed me to accomplish. Excellent birthday score this year!


Do you make time to stop and reflect on the past year on your birthday, even though you may have a hectic teaching day ahead of you on your birthday?