Chasing Time English and the Globalized Language Education Sector

Chasing Time English and the Globalized Language Education Sector

Michael Rabbidge

A globalized language education sector refers to the interconnectedness of language education across the world. This includes the sharing of resources, best practices, and research findings, as well as the development of international standards and qualifications.

A globalized language education sector can have a number of benefits for the NZ ELT industry, including an increase in access to resources, improved teacher quality, greater student mobility, and ultimately increased international collaboration.

When thinking about what this means for the materials development in this sector, and in particular what it could mean for us as materials developers at Chasing Time English, I realized that there are also a number of ways that we can impact this sector.

Need for Diverse Curriculum Development

There is a need for more diverse curriculum development. The global ELT approach to curriculum development will need to adapt to reflect the increasing diversity of the international student population. This suggests that ELT materials developers and teachers will need to be more familiar with a wider range of cultures and languages.

We at Chasing Time English have been developing materials that reflect the diversity of the student population and their perspectives on being an international student. For example, our series includes lessons on a variety of cultural perspectives, including those of international students from China and India, as well as domestic students who come from minority cultures within New Zealand. This demonstrates a commitment to developing materials that are inclusive of all learners.

The Importance of Sociocultural Knowledge

Access to materials that provide students with sociocultural knowledge is not easy. Yet, as Maria pointed out in the last post, this is something that the different series offered by CTE does maybe more effectively than anyone else in the industry.  

We believe that it is important for students to develop an understanding of different cultures. This is why we include lessons on sociocultural knowledge in our materials. We also encourage teachers to use our materials to help students develop their own sociocultural competence.

The Role of Technology in the ELT Classroom

To assist in exploring the growing sociocultural variability that makes up new classrooms, there is a growing need for more technology in the classroom, especially now as students grow up with technology in almost all aspects of their lives. Ultimately, as a global language, English has become almost synonymous with technology, and the ELT classroom should be no different.

Technology is a valuable tool for ELT teaching, and with the continued growth of AI options, it is not something that can simply be ignored. Global ELT teachers need to adjust to student lifestyles by ensuring that technology is an integral part of the curriculum, making certain teachers' ability to create interactive lessons, provide students with access to online resources, and keep pace with the demands of the rest of global society.

Chasing Time English and the Globalized Language Education Sector

Overall, a globalized language education movement significantly impacts the global ELT industry. It asks the industry as a whole to adapt to the need to diversify what we accept as teachable content. Acknowledging multilingual realities that emerge through the influx of students from different ethnic backgrounds is paramount so that sociocultural realities are explored rather than ignored. Additionally, embracing rather than resisting the advancement of technology in every aspect of this new sociocultural reality is essential as the two now go hand in hand.

We believe that we are well positioned to help the NZ ELT industry adapt to the challenges and opportunities of a globalized language education sector. Our materials are diverse, inclusive, and technologically-savvy. We are also committed to providing teachers with the resources they need to be successful in this new era of language teaching.